If you have tried altering your exercise and diet routines, but are still not achieving the shape you desire, a surgical option may be the right step for you.*
Many individuals who have lost a large amount of weight due to gastric bypass, weight reduction surgery, or on their own through diet and exercise may experience loose, sagging, excess skin around their arms, abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks areas. It is not uncommon to feel “stress” once you achieve your weight loss goals as your body is going through the natural process of losing skin elasticity.*
San Francisco plastic surgeon and body specialist Dr. Shahin Javaheri is an expert in determining the right procedure for you. He combines surgical skill, and experience, and balances patient expectation with the realities of the patient’s anatomy. The results can be a significant improvement in not only a person’s shape but also a boost to one’s self-esteem.*
Each individual procedure has its own merit and advantages.
Some of the body procedures we offer include:
- Liposuction: Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or lipectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that can help sculpt and refine the body by diminishing unwanted fat from targeted areas. These areas include the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks, and neck.*
- Tummy Tuck: Commonly known as a “tummy tuck”, abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to drastically reduce excess skin and fat from the lower and middle abdomen, and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.*
- Body Lifts: Many individuals who have lost a large amount of weight due to gastric bypass, weight reduction surgery, or on their own through diet and exercise may experience loose, sagging, or excess skin around their arms, abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks areas.*
- Brazilian Butt Lift: For most patients, a buttock augmentation, also known as gluteoplasty, can add increased volume and fullness to underdeveloped areas of the buttock, resulting in improved overall appearance and self-confidence.*
- Thigh Lift: The thigh lift procedure reshapes the thighs by reducing the excess skin and fat that have been affected due to weight loss. The result is smoother skin and a better-proportioned contour of the thighs.*
- Arm Lift: An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow. If the underside of your upper arms is sagging, droopy, or appears loose due to excess skin, an arm lift may be right for you.*
- Buttock Augmentation: Buttock augmentation, also known as gluteaplasty, is designed not only to increase the size of the buttock but also to improve the shape and contour of the buttock.*
- Fat Transfer: As one grows older, the effects of gravity, sun exposure, and the general everyday stresses of life begin to affect the overall appearance of one’s face resulting in laugh lines, smile lines, crow’s feet, or facial creases over the areas where facial muscle movement occurs.*
- Mommy Makeover: The Mommy Makeover procedure has gained in popularity over the last decade. The reason: women want to regain what’s been lost due to the aftermath of pregnancy, gravity, and the natural aging process on a woman’s body.*
- Bariatrics: Morbid obesity is now recognized by the general population, as a contributor to many health problems, including heart disease, vascular diseases, venous inefficiencies, diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high blood pressure), skin conditions, and more.*
- Labiaplasty: Labiaplasty refers to a procedure to enhance, reduce, and/or reshape the size of the labia minora. There are a variety of causes, including damage caused to the labia during childbirth, pain/discomfort, ageing process, genetics, or aesthetics.*
- Pectoral / Bicep / Tricep Implants: Pectoral implants, bicep, and tricep implants are commonly used to enhance, and in some cases provide natural body curvatures and muscles. They are designed to make the muscles of the arms, and chest “bulkier”.*
Call (415) 923-3800 today to know more about body procedures.
*Results for each patient will vary. Please remember that the information provided will not guarantee your eligibility for treatment. Consultation and medical examination must be completed before approval.